
The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Le Poids Du Monde

Lorsque je l’ai vue pour la première fois, l’image de la couverture de notre publication de ce mois, elle a réellement attiré mon attention. N’est-il pas beau? Le nouveau-né est merveilleusement inconscient de son environnement, bercé dans des mains aimantes. J’ai deux nouveau-nés jumeaux à la maison, ainsi je peux témoigner qu’à part les pleures, un bébé qui dort est joli …

Why Evangelizing Children Should Be the Business of Every Christian

The following address was given on May 20, 2012 by Bishop Stephen Masilela, General Presbyter of Africa, to the participants of the second Southern Africa Institute of Children’s Ministry in Kafue, Zambia. Participants were present from through Zambia, Botswana, Malawi, Swaziland, and South Africa. There is no better moment for Africa than this—where the whole continent is engaged in a debate …

Be Revolutionary: Do Better

In the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, a troubled young James T. Kirk is challenged by a Starfleet Captain concerning his direction in life. “Your father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes,” the captain tells him. “He saved 800 lives, including your mother’s and yours. I dare you to do better.” Every generation …

Affirming the Role of Overseers

According to 1 Timothy 3:1, “If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.” The Word of God declares the work of an overseer “a noble task.” And I agree. Overseers keep the Church of God of Prophecy running. They are key to shaping the vision of the Church, even its …

Belonging to the Body of Christ

“Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Corinthians 12:27). As a small boy our Pentecostal church was at the center of my life. My father was a bishop in the Church of God of Prophecy as long as I can remember and most of the Christians I knew went to …

New Church Added in Winchester, Kentucky

On Sunday, January 12, J. Scott Gillum, State Overseer, received into the Church of God of Prophecy Lighthouse World Outreach Center in Winchester, Kentucky. Regional Presbyter, Bishop Willard Estep, and Bishop Sam Clements, North American Presbyter, assisted in this effort. Pastor Ryan and Tressa Dotson along with their family, staff, and congregation were administered the …

Mission Focus: Netherlands

2012–2013 has been two years full of challenges. In October 2012, we finally found a good place to worship as a church. We are very grateful to God for this. We opened the year 2013 with many events and conferences to celebrate what the Lord has done. We have recently heard from the owner of …

Mission Focus: South America

South America continues on our journey to fulfill the terms of the Great Commission through the values of Vision 2020. Recently we celebrated our third International Leadership Conference (CIL 2013) in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Included among those in attendance were about 400 key leaders participating in conferences during the day and over …

Mission Focus: North America

In North America, we are witnessing a renewed commitment and zeal to move forward. The 2013 convention season was one of the best in many years. We were especially thrilled to see so many young adults, youth, and children not only attending but participating in the ministry. They were greatly involved in worship, preaching, and …

Mission Focus: Ukraine

International Leadership Conference 2013 We rejoice in the benefits and blessings of the recent leadership conference serving the region of Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Hosted in the nation of Ukraine and specifically welcomed by the fellowship from Emmanuel Church in Kiev, this conference proved to be one of our more productive conferences …