White Wing Messenger Awards AMD Scholarship
In May 2019, the White Wing Messenger announced a $1,000 Accredited Ministry Development (AMD) scholarship would be awarded at the 2020 International Assembly. The award would be given to the state or region who added the highest percentage of new or renewal subscriptions prior to the Assembly. When the Assembly was cancelled, the decision was made to extend the promotion by six weeks, giving subscribers until July 15, 2020, to add to their region’s totals.
Tabulations have been completed and the awarded state was determined. There were many states and regions who did an excellent job adding a healthy percentage of subscriptions. The White Wing Messenger staff thanks each presiding bishop, pastor, member, and friend who helped with this endeavor. The third place region was Texas with 90 percent new and renewal subscriptions. Pennsylvania fills second place with an amazing 100 percent. Thank you to the members in Texas and Pennsylvania as well as presiding bishops Daniel Felipe and Mark Menke for your participation and for promoting the White Wing Messenger in your states.
One state outshined them all with a record-breaking 108 percent increase in subscriptions! Congratulations to the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama and Presiding Bishop Brian Sutton for this accomplishment. The $1,000 AMD scholarship will be available to the member in Alabama who is selected by Bishop Sutton. When contacted about the award, Bishop Sutton said, “I am so excited and thankful to hear this! I believe wholeheartedly in the White Wing Messenger as the official voice of the Church of God of Prophecy. I encourage every member to read it as I have done since I could read! That number (108 percent!) tells me even more Alabama members will be participating in the vision of the Church, and that makes me very thankful.”
The editor and staff of the White Wing Messenger extend a special thank you to all our loyal subscribers and members who enjoy and support the White Wing Messenger.
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