In an informal survey of pastors, I asked a simple question: “What do you wish you had been told before you became a pastor?” Some of the responses were obvious. For me, a few were surprises. I note them in order of frequency of response, not necessarily in order of importance. After each item, I …
From Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, producers of the hit History Channel miniseries The Bible comes the new film Son of God, arriving in theaters on February 28. The two-hour movie includes much of the footage of Christ’s life (played by Diogo Morgado) from “The Bible” series framed from the perspective of the Apostle John. …
“Enter to worship. Depart to serve.” Those words were painted on a large sign above the doors of a church I once attended. It took me a few decades to fully understand the true meaning of those words, because—frankly—I didn’t see them modeled too much. Most of the serving I observed was within the walls of the …
For many years we have preached unity and practiced division. Competition has driven us apart rather than together, but we are confronted with a Harvest that is so big we must pull together in order to accomplish the task that is before us. Jesus did not come to build walls and construct barriers; He came …
Have you ever broken a leg or a foot? Aside from the obvious challenges brought by the fracture, the challenge seems to snowball into other areas of the body. The other leg or foot becomes the stabilizer, carrying more of the weight that up until that point was more evenly distributed. In turn, hips, knees …
I like to pay attention to what people say when they are close to their death. Those final words reveal a lot about the person who utters them, and I think that in some ways, they reflect what they have kept in his/her heart for a long time, waiting for that special moment. Those can …
En cada acontecimiento que experimentamos en la vida, brotan maneras de reaccionar emocional que nos definen y refleja lo que en realidad somos. Se dice que en los momentos más difíciles es cuando manifestamos nuestra verdadera personalidad. Cuando estamos alegres, nuestro corazón se llena de felicidad y muchas veces no lo disimulamos porque nuestro actuar …
“Todo lo que te viniere a la mano para hacer, hazlo según tus fuerzas” (Eclesiastés 9:10). “Y también lo hacéis así con todos los hermanos que están por toda Macedonia. Pero os rogamos, hermanos, que abundéis en ello más y más; y que procuréis tener tranquilidad, y ocuparos en vuestros negocios, y trabajar con vuestras …
Nashville, Tenn. (October 30, 2014)—THIRD DAY, for the first time in more than a decade, will release a new worship album, titled LEAD US BACK, slated for March 3, 2015. The GRAMMY©, American Music Awards and Dove Award winning band, that has had 12 career albums to date, will also perform live on the day …
Esta ha sido una Asamblea poderosa. Escuchamos palabra fresca de Dios a través de cada mensaje y servicio de adoración ungida dándole a Dios la más alta adoración. Hemos experimentado libertad en el Espíritu y muchos han experimentado salvación y purificación, y muchos fueron bautizados por el Espíritu Santo y saldrán de esta Asamblea como …