New Church Added in Winchester, Kentucky

Pastor Ryan Dotson (center) with Bishop Sam Clements, General Presbyter for North America, and Bishop Scott Gillum, Kentucky State Overseer
On Sunday, January 12, J. Scott Gillum, State Overseer, received into the Church of God of Prophecy Lighthouse World Outreach Center in Winchester, Kentucky. Regional Presbyter, Bishop Willard Estep, and Bishop Sam Clements, North American Presbyter, assisted in this effort. Pastor Ryan and Tressa Dotson along with their family, staff, and congregation were administered the covenant resulting in 195 new members. Additional members will be received into the church within the next few weeks. Bishop Gillum endorsed Pastor Ryan for ordination as well as three lay ministers. From the onset of the morning worship service, Holy Spirit began to minister resulting in seven individuals surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. What an exciting, spirit-filled day!
Over the past three months, Lighthouse has realized 60 conversions as individuals made a personal decision to come to faith. Broken, burdened, burned out lives have been redeemed! Greater things are yet to come; greater things are still to be done in the city of Winchester, Kentucky.