Appreciate Your Pastor

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Appreciate Your Pastor

Have you told them lately that you love them? Pastors are a hardworking bunch and even though they should be honored throughout the year, October is set aside as Pastoral Appreciation Month.

If you’re at a loss for what to do, consider some of these creative ideas provided by Ministry Outfitters (, used by permission:

  • Cards are always encouraging especially when the notes contain specific ways the pastor has helped or blessed you.
  • Gift cards: Arrange for congregation members to mail a card (with a restaurant gift card) to the pastor each day during the month of October (if the pastor has children, be sure to include gift cards for children’s restaurants, too).
  • Treasure Hunt: Create a treasure hunt for the pastor and his family to do together. They can end up in the church fellowship hall where the congregation is waiting with food and gifts.
  • Flowers: Give your pastor and his/her family a bouquet of home-grown flowers.
  • Pray for your pastors and let them know you are doing so.
  • Love language: Learn the love language of your pastor so you can communicate your love to him in a way that rings loud and clear.
  • This is Your Life event— Have the pastor and his family sit up front. Throughout the event, they hear the voices of people who have been blessed by their ministry and try to guess who the person is.
  • Plaque: Contact a local trophy company and order a small plaque for your pastor.
  • Tell the World: Write a letter of appreciation for your pastor and have it printed in the local paper.
  • Family visit: Invite the extended family of your pastor to visit and assist them by underwriting the cost.
  • Renovation: Participate in renovating part of the pastor’s home or helping with maintenance projects.
  • Make a Quilt: Distribute individual quilt squares to congregation members and encourage each family to personalize a square. Have a quilting group put all the squares together for a long-lasting reminder of appreciation.
  • Cleaning: Hire a cleaning service for 2-3 hours.

Share more ideas with others in the comments section below.