A few months ago, I was watching an interview with the cast of the very controversial television show, Preachers of LA, who appeared on a late night talk show. I’d been told each speaker competed in what the host called a “Preach-Off,” in which each of them had 30 seconds to give a sermon or …
In order to revive our youth, we have to realize that keeping and growing them towards Christian adulthood is a serious business. We have to re-dig the wells of the fresh waters of revival. We have seen more shootings, bombings, and killings by our children in schools and on suburban streets than ever. Recently, in Cape Town, South Africa, a small boy of …
Relationships are the key to life for any young person in today’s society. Relationships play such a major role in today’s youth culture that businesses and media have found a way to market to the need through social media and the web. This is why it is all the more important for us, as youth …
On numerous occasions, we see on our university campuses very brilliant young men and women who decide to quit their studies and drop out of school because they feel the call to ministry. There is no doubt among believers today that apostles, pastors, evangelists, youth directors, children’s workers, women’s ministry leaders, etc., are called of …
The very idea that we, humanity, will set our own goals for ministry is liberating. In fact, it is rather encouraging—if you want to fail. Okay, that may have sounded a bit harsh, so let me explain. Youth ministry effectiveness is often measured on the pendulum swing of the next and best ideas or in …
I love our local churches! I love the leaders, families, relationships, teaching, developmental opportunities it has offered, and the passionate environment of Christ followers. In many ways, the church has been like an incubator. The Lord, having given new birth to His children, placed them in His trusted church. In the church, the young are …