Tag: March

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Raising Believing Children: A Generational Blessing

Even at the risk of sounding pious, I feel compelled to begin by expressing gratitude for a rich Christian heritage. I find great affinity with a Timothy who preceded me by 2,000 years. He is mentioned in the New Testament, mentored by the apostle Paul who acknowledged his believing heritage. The apostle commended Timothy with …

A Child Friendly Church

I just browsed through the Internet and discovered that the term “child friendly” is used to describe a multitude of things. There are child friendly advertisements, board games, cruises, dogs, furniture, jokes, movies, nail polish, paint, recipes, scary stories, websites, vacations, and more! The child friendly label implies that these products and services are designed …

The Leadership Qualities of Caleb

“. . . Because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land and his descendants will inherit it” (Numbers 14:24). Great Leaders are Humble One of the most overlooked leaders in the Bible is, without a doubt, Caleb. Notice, first of all, that God called …

Prayer Starters for Teens

Prayer can be intimidating to teens.  They often worry about what to say, how long they can pray, how they will sound, etc.  And for many, prayer may seem a bit awkward at first because it feels like one way communication.  Another challenge is making the routine stick. How can we cultivate a hunger for …