Tag: Kathy Creasy

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Seeking the Lord Together

This month Church of God of Prophecy congregations on every continent will join together to seek God in prayer and fasting. People will seek God by denying themselves of food or other things that are important in their lives. They will come together to pray for their families, their congregation, their communities, and the world. …

Une Église adaptée aux enfants

Je viens de naviguer sur Internet et découvrir que le terme « adapté aux enfants » est utilisé pour décrire une multitude de choses. Il y a des publicités, les jeux de société, des croisières, des chiens, de meuble, des plaisanteries, des films, des vernis à ongles, des peintures, des recettes, des histoires effrayantes, des sites internet, les …

Looking Back: The Value of Children in Church History

It is a well-known fact in the annals of history that children have often been regarded as nothing more than cheap property. In the days of the Greco-Roman world, unwanted babies were left in the elements to die from exposure. Boys and girls were sometimes slaughtered and their entrails inspected for divination purposes. Some children …

Una iglesia apta para los niños

Hace poco me encontraba navegando en la Internet y descubrí que las palabras “apto para los niños” están siendo utilizadas para describir una multitud de cosas. Hay publicidad, juegos de mesa, cruceros, perros, muebles, chistes, películas, esmalte de uñas, pintura, historias de horror, sitios web, vacaciones y más apta para los niños. La etiqueta apta …