At the beginning of each school year I have the privilege, as the children’s pastor, of presenting Bibles to all of the children leaving children’s ministry and joining the youth group. I make a lovely speech. The youth pastor promises to train them well. We say a prayer. It really is a beautiful moment. But …
1. First things first. Make sure you are fully committed to Jesus. A young man named Kelley felt a tug at his heart just about every time he went to church. He was convinced he was being called to preach. He made an appointment to talk to his pastor. As questions were asked, the pastor …
Even at the risk of sounding pious, I feel compelled to begin by expressing gratitude for a rich Christian heritage. I find great affinity with a Timothy who preceded me by 2,000 years. He is mentioned in the New Testament, mentored by the apostle Paul who acknowledged his believing heritage. The apostle commended Timothy with …
Young people do not grow and develop in isolation. They need to know whose they are, from whence they have come, and why they are here. Caring parents, grandparents, and older adults are in the best position to answer these questions for children. And in doing so, the elders of the community impart knowledge and …
The following is an interview with three North American pastors: Scott Lee who pastors Bethesda Worship Center in Sheridan, Wyoming; Lloyd Phipps, pastor of Covington Drive Church of God of Prophecy in Decatur, Georgia; and Frank Smith, pastor of New Horizons Church of God of Prophecy in Washougal, Washington. What does the phrase “a place …
I felt the call into ministry when I was a mere fourteen years old. I can’t say I was thrilled when I heard it. I was raised in a pastor’s home, so I knew the ups and downs of full-time ministry. But for a couple years I rolled with the punches. At about sixteen, though, …
Quand il s’agit de notre destination divine, l’ennemi veut nous aveugler ou nous distraire. « Pour les incrédules dont le dieu de ce siècle a aveuglé l’intelligence, afin qu’ils ne vissent pas briller la splendeur de l’Evangile de la gloire de Christ, qui est l’image de Dieu » (2 Corinthiens 4 :4). A travers sa parole, pourtant, le …
Mon professeur d’anglais au lycée et moi, n’avions pas les mêmes avis sur les sujets de la foi. Maintes fois, nous nous disputions verbalement devant la classe pendant que je présentais mon opinion sur les sujets qu’elle lançait pour discussion. Pour certains, ceci pourrait créer de l’anxiété, mais moi, je l’aimais. Il y avait une …
J’avais onze ans et je savais que je voudrais être un médecin ; un professionnel médical qui porte une blouse blanche bien empesée et pressée et qui opère les bras, les pieds et les cerveaux des gens. Je suis entré au lycée public le plus prestigieux des Bahamas, après y avoir réussi à l’examen commun d’entrée. …
Découvrir le rôle du prédicateur dans la société contemporaine, c’est de découvrir l’appel de Dieu sur la vie des prédicateurs à la fois collectivement (tous les prédicateurs chrétiens) et individuellement (relativement aux appels spécifiques et aux ministères individuels). Nous pouvons commencer par supposer qu’il y a au moins deux conceptions à propos du rôle des …