
The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Más de 30 naciones sintonizaron el evento de oración

Miles participaron de la transmisión interactiva en línea de las Oficinas de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Jueves, 15 de enero de 2015 Ÿ Cleveland, Tenesí Miles de personas alrededor del mundo participaron de la transmisión interactiva en línea de las Oficinas Internacionales de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía el miércoles …


Juan capítulo 20 ha sido denominado como el capítulo del “Aleluya” porque proclama que “¡Jesús resucitó!” Si el evangelio de San Juan terminara en el capítulo 19, nosotros no tendríamos evangelio. Pablo declara en 1 Corintios 15:14, 17: “Y si Cristo no resucitó, vana es entonces nuestra predicación, vana es también vuestra fe. Y si …

NewSong releases “Faithful,” live worship recording

Singer Russ Lee talks about process behind the recording and the state of the band   Faithful, a collection of new worship songs by veteran music group NewSong, releases today. The album includes the catchy acoustic-led title track, a contemporary version of “Rock of Ages” and the bouncy “Bride of Christ,” among others. Singer-songwriter Russ …

Book Review: Wisdom From Women In the Bible by John Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is a speaker, pastor and prolific writer whose books focus on leadership, relationships, attitude, and equipping people to succeed in life. His latest offering, Wisdom from Women in the Bible, highlights the lives of nine women whose stories are chronicled in the Bible. If you have read Maxwell’s, Running with the Giants, you …

La historia de nuestro rescate

Hace algunos años, el dueño de una tienda de mascotas me contó la siguiente historia: “Un hombre compró un ratón blanco para servir como alimento para su serpiente. Colocó al ratón en la jaula donde se encontraba la serpiente durmiendo en su cama de serrín. El pequeño ratón tenía un problema serio. Podría ser devorado …

La Misión Global de la Iglesia

Hablar de la misión global de la iglesia es hablar de un tema complejo. Es complejo no porque en sí mismo lo sea, sino porque al transcurrir el tiempo esa comunidad a quien se le encomendó la misión, la ha ido complicando, diluyendo, mezclando y confundiendo con elementos extraños. A veces esto ha sido ingenuamente, …

Unity Is Necessary for the Church

In the last year as a new senior pastor, I have made a discovery that many of you have probably already learned. Unity in a local congregation can’t just be something mandated or commanded. Unity is something that is earned and grown into. It is an attitude that makes a difference. There are many Scriptures …

Life Grows Wherever the River Flows

“Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. . . And when the …

Woman, Lay Down Your Burden

Matthew 11:28: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” A few years back I heard the story of a poor woman that was walking by the side of the road with a basket full of clothes on her head; it was midday and the heat …

Mental Illness and the Church

Counseling When someone asks me what I do for a living and I tell them I’m a therapist, it’s usually met with one of three responses; a nervous laugh, the “can you tell me about my dream?” question (for the record, no, dream analysis has been widely discredited and only God can interpret dreams), or, …