“The Drop Box” Film Spotlights Child Rescue

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

“The Drop Box” Film Spotlights Child Rescue

Film highlighting South Korea pastor saving babies from abandonment
to be released nationwide on March 3, 4 and 5 

In June of 2011, the Los Angeles Times published an article with the intriguing headline, “South Korean pastor tends an unwanted flock.” At the time, director Brian Ivie and co-producers Will Tober and Bryce Komae were students at the University of Southern California. Ivie read the Timesarticle and was touched by its account of Lee Jong-rak, a pastor in Seoul who had set up a “drop box” at the front of his church to rescue babies that would otherwise be abandoned. The children suffered from various disabilities, but according to the Times, “To Pastor Lee Jong-rak, they are perfect. And they have found a home here at the ad hoc orphanage he runs with his wife and small staff.”

Ivie, Tober, and Komae decided that Pastor Lee’s makeshift orphanage would make an excellent subject for a documentary. They made contact with Pastor Lee and raised funds, eventually taking a small team to Seoul in December of 2011. The resulting documentary paints a moving portrait of a modern day hero and points viewers to the loving God whose heart is compassionate toward the fatherless.

Ivie’s experience changed him forever. In fact, it was during the making of the film that he committed his life to Christ for the very first time. Brian says, “I saw all these kids come through this drop box with deformities and disabilities, and eventually—like a ‘heaven flash’—I realized that I was one of those kids too; that I have a crooked soul, all this brokenness inside, but God still wanted me.”

Watch the trailer for the movie here:


 “The Drop Box” documentary is receiving praise from a diverse list of evangelical and Catholic leaders, pro-life advocates and proponents of adoption, special needs, and social justice.

“It’s rare for a documentary to receive endorsements from such a wide array of sectors,” said Focus on the Family President Jim Daly. “It’s a testament to how broad the appeal of this movie is. ‘The Drop Box’ deals with the themes that transcend barriers, like love and sacrifice. These things touch us all at the core of our humanity because they testify to the sanctity of life.”

Here’s what leaders have to say about the award-winning film:

  • “The story of Pastor Lee and his love for ‘discarded’ children – especially children with disabilities – displays the power and influence of true Christian character. I highly recommend this wonderful movie!”— Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
  • “Pastor Lee leads an extraordinary life of love and service to the abandoned. His compelling story is beautifully shared in this film. Bravo!” —Bishop David L. Ricken, DD. JCL, Diocese of Green Bay, WI and consultant to United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Pro-Life Activities committee
  • “Our society follows a ‘me first’ narrative. But Pastor Lee and his humble community of believers in Seoul, South Korea, have turned that narrative on its head.”— Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, NHCLC, Hispanic Evangelical Association
  • “Here’s an amazing 21st century example of one person, motivated only by love, putting his life and livelihood on the line in order to protect the most vulnerable members of society. ‘The Drop Box’ depicts authentic Christianity at its very best.”—Jonathan Merritt, Senior columnist for Religion News Service
  •  “Watching ‘The Drop Box’ could change the path of your life, for the better.”—Dr. Russell D. Moore, President, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
  •  “Day after day, Pastor Lee proclaims that every human life is sacred. But he doesn’t shout it from the rooftops. Rather, he lives it out in sacrificial service to the abandoned children God has called him to protect.”—Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author, cultural commentator
  • “‘The Drop Box’ demonstrates everything God expects all of us as Christians to do and to be. God bless Pastor Lee.”—Dr. Day Gardner, President, National Black Pro-Life Union
  • “‘The Drop Box’ is a beautiful film that helps us see the importance of every life. Pastor Lee’s example of the role sacrifice plays in loving ‘the least of these’ should convince us all.”—Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., President & CEO, Americans United for Life
  • “In ‘The Drop Box’…we see a picture of God’s love for us as spiritual orphans who had no way to take care of ourselves or prevent our own destruction.”—Paul Pennington, President and Co-Founder, Hope for Orphans
  • “He embodies the grace that I write about. I’ll never forget my visit to Pastor Lee’s home, a day I relived over and over as I watched the film ‘The Drop Box.’”—Philip Yancey, author of “Vanishing Grace” and “What’s So Amazing About Grace”
  • “‘The Drop Box’ is a moving and meaningful film about the fragility and preciousness of life. Pastor Lee’s efforts to save and raise these abandoned babies is a humbling model of what putting feet to your faith looks like.”—Luke Zamperini, son of “Unbroken’s” Louis Zamperini

“The Drop Box” will be presented by Pine Creek Entertainment in association with Focus on the Family, Kindred Image and Fathom Events in select cinemas nationwide on March 3, 4 and 5, 2015. The special event will include an exclusive panel discussion featuring Focus on the Family President Jim Daly; Grammy and Dove Award winning recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, President of Show Hope, Mary Beth; Brian Ivie, director of “The Drop Box” and Kelly Rosati, Focus’ vice president of community outreach.

“Making this movie literally changed my life,” said Ivie, who came to faith while making the film. “Pastor Lee changed everything because he showed me what God’s love is really like. God’s love is gritty and messy and goes to the gutters for the broken and lost people.” 

Individual and group tickets sold at www.thedropboxfilm.com.

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