Mission Focus: Ukraine

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Mission Focus: Ukraine

International Leadership Conference 2013

Clayton Endecott General Presbyter  Europe, CIS, Middle East

Clayton Endecott
General Presbyter
Europe, CIS, Middle East

We rejoice in the benefits and blessings of the recent leadership conference serving the region of Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Hosted in the nation of Ukraine and specifically welcomed by the fellowship from Emmanuel Church in Kiev, this conference proved to be one of our more productive conferences in a number of ways.

This conference welcomed a representation from the largest number of national ministries throughout our region—27 nations in all. We also enjoyed the highest attendance we have seen in our history of these meetings, both from within the national ministry of Ukraine as well as the nations outside of Ukraine.

Most importantly, as a team we were blessed to accomplish more in unifying our work with respect to the core values of the Church of God of Prophecy and made excellent europe-1foundations and relationships for future cooperatives. We were also able to envision and preplan for upcoming events and ministries without the challenges of months of long distance email communications and phone calls. At the conclusion of this conference we were able to put into place plans for future meetings for overseers and national workers, plans for a leadership conference in 2015, plans for three children’s training meetings, and plans for one youth meeting.


I am especially thankful for the excellent preparations of our brethren in Ukraine to receive us while organizing this event as to the details of the conference, the meetings, accommodations, and costs. We witnessed the general joy and appreciation of our people within Ukraine and those who traveled in from other nations. Our people from the East and the West left crying for more of these kinds of meetings and full of enthusiasm and appreciation. Pastor Vitaliy and his people served as amazing hosts. Our office staff, Sister Wanda Endecott, and Sister Brenda Reinhold served in excellence concerning the details of registration, funds, accommodations, and other expectations.

We concluded the International Leadership Conference in Kiev with a commitment statement that will be circulated in


every nation and language in our area. Having already been published in six languages, the statement reads as follows:

We commit ourselves to unite across the borders of our area in prayer to empower us to share the good news of Jesus, to plant churches, to reach the young harvest, and to train and release ministers in every nation in this part of the world and beyond. Beginning at this conference, we will establish concrete relationships and networks crossing borders and embracing other cultures and language groups. Together with other believers we will pray, sow seeds of the gospel and faith in giving, live out ministries of compassion to those in need, reap the harvest, and develop leaders and workers as an international and united family.