Mission Focus: Guyana
Revitalizing of Church Planting in Guyana
A New Church Planted at Mora, Essequibo Coast
In January of 2013, I felt moved in my spirit to present to our Caribbean Leadership Conference my personal vision on revitalizing church planting in Guyana. I stated in my short term plans my goal to plant at least two local churches in 2013.
On recognizing the potential and promise of Brother Clement Moore, our National Men’s Fellowship Director, I challenged him to plant a local church, promising to give him all of my support. He told me that there was a very good chance in planting a church among our indigenous people, the Amerindians. Like Joshua and Caleb, Brothers Clement and Philip (an Amerindian brother from his local church) travelled on land and rivers for five hours to Moruca to spy out the land.
The prospects were good. Subsequently, I later accompanied them on another trip to see the situation for myself. This visit was followed by a one-week crusade, with Brother Clement preaching. I went in Sunday, August 25, 2013, and organized the church. Brother Roy Abraham, an Amerindian, was appointed as pastor.
On Sunday, November 10, 2013, Brother Clement and I were part of their first Thanksgiving service. A plot of land 70 feet by 50 feet is available to the local church to erect a chapel and living quarters to accommodate mission teams. Brother Clement is now serving as mission leader to our hinterland communities.
A New Church Planted at Novar, Mahaicony
Sister Beatrice McLennon, pastor of the Zeskenderen, Mahaicony church was informed of an abandoned church building at Novar, Mahaicony. She led her church in doing house-to- house visitation in the community. The response was good and Pastor McLennon mobilized her local church in holding services in the abandoned building. It was filled with benches. A one-week crusade was held. District Overseer Wilbert Simon set the local church in order on Sunday, September 25, 2013. Glendon Toney, a member from the Zeskenderen Church was appointed pastor.
We welcome mission teams to help us in planting more churches in Guyana. Teams will be accommodated at our Mission House located in the city. Guyana is stable politically, is growing economically, and we are a hardworking people, very hospitable and friendly. Our currency is two hundred Guyana dollars to one United States dollar. Come over to Guyana and help us!