Making a Difference through Giving

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Making a Difference through Giving

Gabriel Vidal General Presbyter South America

Gabriel Vidal
General Presbyter
South America

For eight years I wrote an article for the Mensajero Ala Blanca, the Spanish version of the White Wing Messenger. I wrote 12 articles for the first two years without knowing if anybody was reading them or being blessed by them. After two years, however, I had the opportunity to visit some of the countries in Latin America. To my surprise, many people from the furthest parts of those countries were coming to me to give me their gratitude for the blessings they have received through my articles. What a great feeling it was to know that my articles have been transforming the life of those whom have been reading them!

The same thing happens with the mission contribution. For many years, we donate funds to help our missionaries in the world and we seldom hear the result of our giving. But allow me to tell you a story that I hope will bless your life.

About eight years ago I was part of the Global Outreach Committee, what is today the Global Missions Committee. In one of our meetings, we were looking at the countries’ rate of growth. I was surprised to see that the country of Uruguay was decreasing by 49 percent. In other words, Uruguay had a rate of growth of negative 49 percent. That information touched my life so much that when I was asked to go to Argentina later, I took the opportunity to visit Uruguay. It was one of the saddest trips I have ever made. There were seven churches in the country and I was able to visit six of them in the Montevideo area. Most of the six churches had between two and five members actively attending church on Sunday. I left Uruguay with a heavy heart.
In 2008, I began working with South America and therefore had an opportunity to work with the churches in Uruguay. Months before the 2010 International Assembly, we put in place a strategy to change the future of our church in that country. We appointed a new overseer, invested missions funds to train him and the pastors, and we did whatever we could to inspire them and change the negative direction they took more than 15 years before. So, here is the result of the investment that came out of offerings that you have given to missions. During the month of December of last year, I was able to be in a special service in Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. After a solid foundation left by Francisco Lopez Paz and three years of training and an investment from the missions department in collaboration with the General Presbyter’s Office, Uruguay has grown from 101 members attending church to over 200. They have planted three new churches and with missions included, they have 17 new preaching points for a total of 27 preaching points.

Without your contributions to help Uruguay, we would have lost everything we have there today. Therefore, even though you don’t see the direct result of your giving, I’d like to encourage you to continue to give. Your contributions continue to make a difference in souls that were lost in their sinful ways and today are saved by the blood of Christ. Finally, at this time and for the glory of our Lord, we are ministering to over 400 people in Uruguay.

We are grateful for your contribution to missions. What you give for missions is not in vain because souls are being saved and transformed by the Gospel being preached all over the world. It all happens because you have determined to obey the call that comes from Matthew 28: “Go therefore . . .”