A Brand New Day!

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

A Brand New Day!

Today marks a new day for the White Wing Messenger! As Managing Editor, I’m so thrilled to welcome you to our re-launched website. As you explore these pages, you’ll see articles, announcements and information from the magazine as well as the integration of our Spanish and French magazines, Mensajero Ala Blanca and Le Messager à l’Aile Blanche.

The website was built from the ground up with an emphasis on social media and interactivity (special thanks to Black Airplane design). The posts are designed to be shared and discussed and they’re easy to read on your computer, smart phone or mobile device. Go ahead and try it. I’ll give you a moment.

To celebrate this new website, we’re going to do a week of giveaways! New books, CDs, Bibles and maybe other surprises will be awarded and sent to those who are randomly selected. We will select a winner every day so the more you post, the better your chances.

Here’s what you can do to enter:

  • Like a post
  • Share a post
  • Comment on a post

That’s easy, huh?

Even if you don’t want a prize, we need your help in getting telling your friends about the new www.whitewingmessenger.net. This is going to be fun!