As early as 1802, plans were being made for an alternate route across the English Channel, connecting two different nations, languages, and customs. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain and France’s President Francois Mitterrand signed an agreement in 1984 that the link would benefit both nations. The digging started from both ends of the English Channel. The important feat was for them to meet in the middle underneath the Channel. After six years of construction, using 13,000 workers, 15 billion dollars, special lasers, surveying, and equipment, a tapping was heard by Graham Fagg from the British side and Philippe Cozette from the French side, on December 1, 1990. The two men shook hands in celebration of the monumental breakthrough thousands of feet under the bottom of the English Channel. My family and I had the privilege of riding that Euro Tunnel that is considered one of the most amazing engineering feats of the twentieth century (“20th Century History Newsletter,” Jennifer Rosenberg).
On the hillside of Mt. Olive, the disciples saw the ascension of Christ and heard His instruction as recorded in Acts 18: “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the world.” Heaven held its breath as Jesus stood suspended in the heavens and the angels declared, “This same Jesus shall come back!” The disciples, with 120 others, waited for the baptism of His church. This historical event was arranged when Jerusalem was filled with devout worshippers from all over the world. After 10 days of waiting, the baptism of the Holy Spirit came as a mighty rushing wind and filled the 120 believers with the divine ability to speak with the many tongues of the parts of the world. This was a divine moment in history when God placed His signature on a spiritual breakthrough where the church was baptized and heralded into the world. The church was changed forever and became a worldwide movement.
In 1896, in the remote regions of the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina, revival came to the Shearer Schoolhouse. This movement was birthed when more than 100 people were baptized with the Holy Spirit. From the beginning of the Holiness Church at Camp Creek, consisting of 17 members, this movement realized a 20,000-member increase within 17 years. This was a phenomenal historical breakthrough! This Church then relocated to Cleveland, Tennessee, bringing a great transitional breakthrough! (Upon This Rock, vol. 1).
As we approach the 98th International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, our minds will be set on the selection of a leader. My prayer has been for several months: “Dear God, you foreknow everything, You already know who our leader should be. Please, God, help us find Your man.”
This Assembly could well be another divine breakthrough, equal to those special events in our Church history. Another Christian Union breakthrough; another Shearer Schoolhouse revival breakthrough; another visionary breakthrough; another transitional breakthrough, propelling the Old Ship of Zion to catch the fresh wind of a renewed Pentecost, taking the Church of God to higher heights than ever before.
Don’t miss it! You will miss history in the making! You will want to be there when God brings about another breakthrough, when the Trinity breaks open fresh oil and pours it out on this movement. I hope to see you there July 30–August 3. It’s on God’s agenda—put it on yours. Be there for your BREAKTHROUGH!
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