Update and Urgent Appeal for Washington
On Saturday, March 22, a deadly mudslide hit the town of Oso, Washington. Today we received the following update from Bishop Don Knoblich, Regional Overseer for Washington and Alaska. Please continue to pray for this community and consider a contribution as the church ministers to those affected.
Dear Church Family:
First, I want to say thank you for the outpouring of your love and prayers for those whose lives have literally been turned upside down. It appears the last person was rescued last Saturday when this immense landslide occurred. For days, search teams have concentrated on rescue operations. Unfortunately, these operations have turned now to recovery mode. Our missing church member, Steve Hadaway, still has not been found. At this point, there are over two dozen known fatalities and approximately 90 people still unaccounted for.
As you can imagine when a tragedy of this magnitude hits a small community of about 1300 people, it is devastating. Nonetheless, the community is pulling together and trying to do the best they can. Our pastor and his wife in the Darrington area, Brother and Sister Alexander, are working hard ministering to people and are so thankful for the prayer support. Please continue in prayer that our Lord can give the grace, peace, and strength to help in times like this.
Again, thank you for your loving concern and prayers.
Bishop Don Knoblich
As is our standard procedure in any disaster of this magnitude, your loving contributions can be given through Global Missions Project Giving. Local churches can contribute through Harvest Partners and individuals through Helping Hand. Please designate your gift as:
Washington-Disaster Relief-2014 Mud Slide. Checks should be made payable to Church of God of Prophecy with designation listed on the “For” line of your check. Mail your gift to: Global Missions, Church of God of Prophecy, PO Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910.
Online giving is available. Individuals can donate here and local churches and Harvest Partner sponsors can use this link.
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